Inaction (Stakes):
Low levels of activity have been linked with:
Action (Rewards):
“An abundant amount of research shows numerous benefits of walking including [CDC]:
Phase 1: Starting Point
Phase 2: In 4-6 Weeks Move Here
Progress frequency or intensity of activity:
Phase 3: In 8-12 Weeks Re-Asses
Phase 4: To Stay Motivated..
Set a goal. Do a 5k, 10k, tough mudder, new yoga class etc.
Start Slowly
Be Consistent
Once you’ve consistently hit 150-minutes of walking time for several weeks straight, add intensity. Adding intensity means increasing your effort. Holding a conversation should be difficult. Some ideas:
Add strength training
When you’re getting comfortable breathing harder and pushing yourself, it’s time to add strength training. (This will help prevent injury)
Ideas for Staying Motivated
Find Joy in Walking
Basic nutrition